IATF 16949认可规则第五版主要变化点,中英文对照版
IATF6年11月1日发布了《新版(第五版) IATF 16949认证方案及认可规则》。关于IATF16949的实施,把相关要求称为“规则”,包括认证机构认可准则、认证机构审核过程、认证机构审核员资质以及IATF16949证书等。这些要求与附件对IATF认可的进行IATF 16949认证方案的认证机构具有约束力。因此,任何需要进行IATF16949认证的客户应理解此类要求和附件。
1.OEMcustomer-specified accessory part suppliers are now eligible for IATF 16949certification (Rules 1.0)
– Manufactured to OEM specifications and are procured or released bythe OEM -根据OEM规格制造,和由OEM采购或放行
– Mechanically attached or electronically connected to the vehicle - 机械连接或电子连接到车辆
– Installed on the vehicle or the powertrain before, or after, delivery to the final customer - 安装在车辆或动力传动系统之前或之后,交付给最终客户
Rationale:IATF members agreed it was important to change the eligibility requirements toallow accessory part suppliers to have their quality management system thirdparty certified
2.A manufacturing site supplying to a customerrequiring third party certification to IATF 16949 (or ISO/TS 16949) has toinclude all automotive customers in the audit scope (Rules 1.0)
需要进行IATF 16949(或ISO / TS 16949)第三方认证的生产地点,审核范围必须包括所有汽车客户(规则1.0)
– For example, if a site’s customers are General Motors (who requires 3rd party certification)and Honda (who does not require it), then the automotive product manufacturedfor both GM and Honda shall be included in the audit- 例如,如果某个公司的客户是通用汽车(需要第三方认证)和本田(不要求),那么为GM和本田生产的汽车产品都将被包括在审核中
Rationale:Clarification was needed based on the questions received from organizations andcertification bodies. This has always been the intent of the Rules, but notexplicitly stated
3.Certification bodies legally enforceable agreement (contract) with the clientnow has to include a provision to allow the contract to be extended until alltransfer activities to the new certification body is complete (Rules 3.1)
–The new certificationbody shall advise their client to notify the previous certification body abouttheir intent to transfer (Rules 7.1)
–The client shall notifytheir existing certification body about their intent to transfer to a newIATF-recognized certification body (Rules 3.2)
4.The previous certification body shall not use the notification oftransfer as justification for suspending or cancelling the client‘s certificatebefore the transfer process is complete (Rules 7.1)
– Must be a valid, extended contract in place (Rules 3.1) 必须是有效的延期合同(规则3.1)
– If not, the previous certification body can suspend, cancel orwithdraw the certificate
Rationale:The new requirements strengthen and ensure an effective transfer occurs betweentwo certification bodies. Previously, the certification body sometimes canceledthe existing certificate before the new certification body issued a newcertificate which affected the organization’s status with their customers
5.The years of practical experience needed to become a new IATF auditor has beenreduced (Rules 4.2
– From: six (6) in the past ten (10) years - 从:六(6)在过去十(10)年
– To: four (4) in the past ten (10) years - 到:四(4)在过去十(10)年
Rationale:IATF recognizes that new auditorcandidates were denied admission into the qualification process because theydid not have six years of practical work experience in the past ten years.IATFbelieves four years of practical experience is sufficient knowledge andunderstanding of automotive manufacturing to become an IATF auditor.
6、Previously qualifiedthird party IATF 16949 auditors (or ISO/TS 16949 auditors) can re-apply forentry as a new auditor (Rules 4.2.1)
以前有资质的第三方IATF16949审核员(或ISO / TS 16949审核员)可以重新申请成为新的审核员(规则4.2.1)
– If their credentials were deactivated within previous 36 months ofthe application date as a new auditor 如果他们的资格在申请日期前的36个月内被停用
– If the deactivation was due to failure to achieve required ADPresults or failure to complete minimum number of audits/audit day requirements 如果停用是由于无法实现所需的ADP结果或无法完成最低审核/审核日要求
Rationale:IATF recognizes there are cases where qualified auditors were deactivated.Previously they would not meet the six in the past ten years practical workexperience and were unable to re-apply as a new auditor.
理由:IATF承认有些情况下停用合格的审核员。 以前他们不满足过去十年中的六年实际工作经验,并且无法重新申请新的审核师。
7.IATFqualified auditors are required to record their continuing personal development(CPD) hours/records in a centralized online repository in the ADP (Rules 4.5.2)
– All CB’s who sponsor an auditor will haveaccess to their auditor’s CPD record- 所有认证机构都可以访问其签约审核员的CPD记录
– Eliminates the need for each certification body to request and keepthe CPD records不需要每个认证机构请求和保留CPD记录
– Evidence can be uploaded证据可以上传
Rationale:A new requirement based on the positive feedback received from a pilot ran in2016.The IATF decided to make this mandatory for each auditor to use。
8.Client shall submit the number of employeesfor the site and all associated remote support locations as part of the auditplanning (Rules 5.7.1 a)
客户应提交场地和所有相关支持场所的员工人数,作为审核计划输入的一部分(规则5.7.1 a)
Rationale:IATF believes it is critical that the certification body receives the updatednumber of employees during the audit planning phase so they have enough time tomake any necessary adjustments to audit days in case headcount increased ordecreased (see Rules 5.2 q)
理由:IATF认为,认证机构在制定审核计划阶段收到最新的员工人数至关重要,因此他们有足够的时间对审核人天进行必要的调整,以防审核人天数的增加或减少(见规则5.2 q)
9.Eliminated the ability to terminate an audit due to identification of majornonconformities (Rules 5.9)
取消由于确定严重不合格而终止审核 (规则5.9)
– This means initial, surveillance, recertification, transfer orspecial audits shall not be terminated! 这意味着初始,监督,再认证,转移或特殊审核不应被终止!
– However, it may be necessary to terminate an audit for otherreasons (i.e. emergencies, natural disasters, etc.) 但是,可能有必要因其他原因(如 紧急情况,自然灾害等)终止审核
Rationale:The IATF believes that every audit outcome should demonstrate the client‘sextent of compliance or noncompliance with the requirements.However, Rules 4th Edition allowed the auditto be terminated if major nonconformities were identified.
理由:IATF认为,每个审核结果都应显示客户符合或不符合要求的程度。 但是,第4版规则允许在确定严重不合格时终止审核。
10.The CB’s final audit report shall include a written description of the interactions with support processes at othersite(s) and/or remote support location(s) that were audited (Rules 5.10 f)
认证机构的最终审核报告应包括与被审核的其他地点和/或远程支持场所的支持流程的接口关系的书面描述(规则5.10 f)
Rationale:This clarification strengthens the written report for the reader who needs tounderstand where the interactions were audited. Having a detailed writtendescription is helpful to those not conducting the audit and to ensure thecertificates are accurate
11.Existing Rules 5.11 (Nonconformity management) was split into the followingfive (5) sub-sections
– Client’s responsibility for a majornonconformity客户对重大不符合项的责任
– Client’s responsibility for a minornonconformity客户对轻微不符合的责任
– Certification body responsibility认证机构责任
– Onsite verification for a major nonconformity主要不合格的现场验证
– Onsite verification for a minor nonconformity轻微不符合的现场验证
Nochanges to the requirements对要求没有更改
Rationale: New layout improves the structure of thenonconformity management process to make it easier to follow
12.Eliminated redundant requirements for the client to submit root cause andimplemented correction within twenty (20) days from the closing meeting of asurveillance audit (Rules 6.7) & a recertification (Rules 6.8) audit
Rationale:This requirement was already covered in the decertification (suspension)process (Rules 8.1 / 8.2)
理由:这项要求已经被包含在取消认证(暂停)规则里(规则8.1 / 8.2)
13.Incorporated the IATF Database semi-automated transfer checking process. Thischanged the layout of Rules 7.1.1
Alsoadded the certification body or client’s failure to complete all the requiredactivities prior to the start of the transfer audit shall result in a initialcertification audit
Rationale:It was important to separate the transfer requirements related to thesemi-automated checking process from the requirements which are performedmanually.Also wanted to ensure the consequences are clear when all transferactivity requirements are not met.
14.Reorganized the structure of specialaudits (Rules 7.2) to display the list of reasons for a special audit using abulleted method
15.Eliminated the ability to terminate aspecial audit
16.Clarified that special audits of a remote support location are not entered intothe IATF database
Rationale:Changes to 7.2 (Special Audits) were made to help improve the structure, toeliminate the ability to terminate a special audit, and for clarificationpurposes
17.The certification body is required to conduct a special onsite verificationaudit when the decertification (suspension) process has been initiated due to aspecial status condition from an IATF OEM
Rationale:IATF wants to ensure that certification bodies enter into the IATF database theonsite special audit conducted to investigate an IATF OEM special statuscondition.
理由:IATF希望确保认证机构进入IATF数据库,进行现场特殊审核以调查IATF OEM特殊状态条件。
Thisrequirement is a current practice, but was not previously documented as arequirement in Rules 4th Edition
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