关注 | ISO45001 新标准
Voting has begun on draft ISO 45001, which sets the requirements for anoccupational health and safety management system.
ISO 45001 is currently at the committee draft stage of development, thefirst consultation phase. During this stage, the countries (ISO members) thathave chosen to participate in the standard's development have two months toform a national position on the draft and comment on it.
Why an ISO standard?
According to the International Labour Organization, around 2.34 millionpeople died as a result of work-related accidents and diseases in 2013.Approximately 2 million are the result of work-related illnesses and321 000 are due to accidents.
A strong occupational health and safety management system can bring thesenumbers down by reducing accidents and ill health linked to the workplace. Thiswill in turn create a positive corporate culture as employees feel their needsand safety are being taken into account. It can also help organizations toavoid costly prosecutions and might even reduce insurance costs.
ISO 45001 provides requirements to put in place a system and structure thatprotects and reduces risk to employees. Having an ISO standard has some addedbenefits:
ISO brings together internationalexpertise. Nearly 70 countries are involved in the development of ISO 45001 asparticipants or observers through their ISO members.
Many organizations are already usingISO management system standards, which will make integrating a similar standardon occupational health and safety much easier.
Often small businesses have only oneperson looking after both safety and environmental concerns, so the committeeis making sure that easy integration with ISO 14001 is possible.
ISO standards are recognized aroundthe world, which will encourage more organizations to adopt ISO 45001.
ISO 45001 is being developed by ISO project committee ISO/PC 283, Occupationalhealth and safety management systems. The Secretariat is currently held bythe ISO member for the United Kingdom, BSI.
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