A. Greeting the guest at the door 迎接客人
1) Welcome to the XX Hotel. 欢迎光临XX酒店。
2) May I help you with your bags/luggage, sir? 我来帮您提包吧,先生?
3) How many pieces of luggage do you have? 您有多少件行李?
4) I’ll show you to the Front Desk/ Lobby. 我来带您去前台/大堂。
5) This way, please.这边请。
6) There are too many people here, could you wait in line for registration, please?
7) Please enjoy your stay/Have a nice stay with us.祝您愉快。
8) Hotel lobby is on the 4th floor, If you want to check in, Please go to the reception by the direct elevator from 1st to 4th.
酒店大堂在四楼,如果您想要登记入住,请乘1-4 楼的直达电梯。
B. Showing guest to the room 带客进房
1) I’ll show you to room 1801. 我带您去1801房。
2) Let me take your luggage, are these all yours?
3) Just a moment, please. I will bring a luggage cart.
4) Are these your luggage? 这些是您的行李,对吗?
5) Is there anything valuable or breakable in your bag/briefcase/suitcase?
6) Could you take care this bag by yourself, sir? I’m afraid the contents might break. 您能提着这个包吗,先生?我怕里面的东西会摔破。
C. Taking the elevator 搭乘电梯
1) Here we go to the elevator. 电梯在这边。
2) After you, sir. 您先请。
3) This way, please. 这边请。
4) Watch your step, sir. 请慢走,先生。
5) Which floor, sir? 去哪一层,先生?
6) Just a moment, please. The elevator will be here soon.
D. Inside the room 在房内
1) This is your room, after you, sir. 这是您的房间,您先请,先生。
2) Where do I put your bags?/ May I put your luggage here?
3) Here is your room key. Is this the correct number of your bags?
4) Shall I open the curtains for you, sir? 我替您打开窗帘,好吗?
5) All stationery is in this desk drawer, sir. 所有文具都在书桌抽屉里。
6) Here is a brochure explaining hotel services.
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